How to get a job in InZoi


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If you want your Zoi in InZoi to live a life of luxury, they’ll need to get to work at a job. There are a few different career paths and jobs work a bit differently from what you may be used to in The Sims.

Luckily, we’ve tested out a bunch of stuff in InZoi to help you figure out how jobs work and how to get a job for your Zoi.

How to get a job in InZoi

To give your Zoi a job, select the Zoi and then press P or click the smartphone icon in the bottom-center of your screen. Use the phone interface to press the purple “career” button on the bottom of the phone screen. This will open up a ton of jobs for your Zoi to choose from. You can just select the career that you want and hit the “apply” button, instantly setting your Zoi up with the job.

Note that some options will be grayed-out, if your Zoi isn’t qualified for them.

Unluckily, the InZoi job interface isn’t super intuitive, and you can’t check what qualifications your Zoi needs to meet in order to apply for those higher-ranking jobs. (We’re pretty sure it’s just to reapply for said position if you were building that track and then quit it.)

The only qualification that shows up is age — in which most jobs can be applied to as long as your Zoi is not a teen, child, or a senior. (There are a few exceptions to this, such as the entertainment track that requires you to be a young adult.) So the only choice you have is to just apply for a job in a career track that you have interest in.

When it’s time to go to work, your Zoi will leave the lot and head off. Depending on the job, you may just be waiting for them to come home. Some jobs will have you follow your Zoi to their workplace and completing tasks around their workplace. The jobs with the gray briefcase icons appear to be “just send them off” type jobs and the ones without it have you follow them to the office.

Jobs also have different demands and work dates. Most jobs only work three days a week, but there are some other jobs that have four or five-day work weeks. This is important to consider, since your Zoi only gets paid on the days they work. If you’re desperate for money, you may need to choose a job that works more days (or maybe just use a money cheat).

If you need to double check what days your Zoi works, you can check the schedule via your smartphone.

While the cities have some of the same careers (like the military or criminal tracks), some cities have unique careers. For example, Dowon, the city based off of Seoul, has an esports career track and a pop idol career track, whereas Bliss Bay, the city based off of Los Angeles, has football and amusement park career tracks.

It also doesn’t appear that there are any particular skills your Zoi needs to get promotions, like in The Sims. Rather you just need to make sure your Zoi goes to work and their work performance will increase, resulting in an eventual promotion.

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