See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Look at you Cancer, incharge of your energy, your authority and your mind. You may have made a resolve to allow your mind to channel your emotions effectively – in a way blending your physical worlds with your etheric ones, embodying your visionary ethics and learnings into your daily life. Walk away from this now. Stand your ground, get to know yourself deeply because that is exactly what this recent situation in your life has brought forward for you and trust fall with the cosmos. Leo, sometimes it is advisable to live to fight another day than to become a martyr in your own life. You are half human half stardust and by remembering this tiny detail, you ignite within you a million possibilities of all that you can do right. Poise, calm and balance coupled with inner strength make all possible within your realm, Libra.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Aries Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
Behind every great artist is the one behind the lens that captures history being made. Aries, you are thriving in your life, feeling supported and perhaps even have been looking back in nostalgia – reminiscing about all the wonderful moments that have built you up at your core. Here you are- successfully graduating from a stable, fulfilled stage in your life stepping into a time where you feel recognised, victorious at last and even shining in the spotlight. You guidance is to not look for logic in everything you encounter, instead trust yourself to know when it is time to stay, move or even move on. You are not who you were, and this growth is worthy of celebration.
Cosmic tip: Heartache often leads to a profound healing.
Taurus Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
Now Taurus, when the Gods give, you must be willing to receive. An undercurrent of frustration and agony may have got you thumping off at everything that you are surrounded by. But listen up, have you been taking the time to actually nurture what has been brought your way? You may have had other plans, but there is something brewing in your life – and it is up to you to ensure you make the effort to not get so entangled in the game that you forget that you could be the one pulling the strings in your own puppet show as well? Instead of getting so attached to the outcome and your possessions, allow the cosmos to imbue magic in your life by following it’s lead.
Cosmic tip: Learn from your disappointments to move forward with resilience.
Gemini Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
A new spark of creativity, passion, joy and imagination may have got you swooning over the life you could have, and now, Gemini, you may be abuzz with all the ways that you could make this happen, while also feeling a crumbling pressure to keep up with your worldly responsibilities and challenges. A period of rest and recuperation may help refill your heart, your cup and your bank accounts as long as you decide to keep the pace that works for you paramount over what you expect yourself to show up as. Open magical portals where all becomes possible.
Cosmic tip: Leave logic aside when your intuition is trying to do the talking.
Cancer Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
Look at you Cancer, incharge of your energy, your authority and your mind. You may have made a resolve to allow your mind to channel your emotions effectively – in a way blending your physical worlds with your etheric ones, embodying your visionary ethics and learnings into your daily life. You may seen closure and peace with a past aspect of your life, perhaps even mentally try and recalibrate the scales to uphold your current state of inner peace and while you do this, you are being held, guided and nurtured by your angels and guides. The cosmos says you asked to experience freedom from within and it is here helping you anchor it into your life.
Cosmic tip: It may get lonely at the top, but those who really matter make it there with you, even if with just a little help from you.
Leo Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
Walk away from this now. Stand your ground, get to know yourself deeply because that is exactly what this recent situation in your life has brought forward for you and trust fall with the cosmos. Leo, sometimes it is advisable to live to fight another day than to become a martyr in your own life. As you leap out into the cosmos with your treasure chest of gems of wisdom, skills, understanding and fresh perspectives, you realise that material security also begins to follow. Lay new foundations for the new castles you wish to construct.
Cosmic tip: Walk towards the sun allowing it to cleanse your soul.
Virgo Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
Your consistent efforts are beginning to reap rewards, Virgo. As you juggle between two worlds – a dichotomy of sorts, you seek liberation from a persistent cycle. The cosmos chimes in with a golden nugget and a lot of ideas and hopes for a promising future. Go on and do your happy dance now, scales are about to even out and your life is about to get even better now. For those stuck in a legal or contractual back and forth, expect things to begin moving.
Cosmic tip: Instead of worrying, stretch your arms out to receive – love, support, help and magic.
Libra Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
From wishful thinking to actionable steps, you are making progress. Libra. Let this nascent energy not wither away by putting in the effort – mentally, emotionally, physically or energetically – to uphold and safeguard your vision and plans. You are half human half stardust and by remembering this tiny detail, you ignite within you a million possibilities of all that you can do right. Poise, calm and balance coupled with inner strength make all possible within your realm.
Cosmic tip: Your innocence, curiosity and vulnerability open new doors of opportunity.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
Recent conflict or a stagnant or incongruous situation may have got you feeling like you are in the lurch once again, however, Scorpio, try walking away from this one for a bit to gain perspective. You may be trapped in terms of an inability to take action, however, don’t you let that stop you in your tracks when it comes to letting your mind explore various options, creative solutions and even alternative answers. You are already where you have been striving to be, now keep your cards close before you tell your tales. Let your victories speak for themselves.
Cosmic tip: You will find stillness within your heart.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
Life is a fine balance of relationships with others and your relationship with yourself. Sag, the past sometime while the focus may have been on your environment and relationships, it is now time to turn that gaze within towards your personal growth, goals, even taking a moment to listen to your inner voice that may be feeling lost and deranged. Your relationships are seeds that you must continue to nurture as you grow, however, you also owe it to yourself to fan that fire that keeps you warm within. Do something for yourself and get back on track.
Cosmic Tip: Focus on your needs and wishes too.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
You can either live in fear or in consonance, Capricorn. When you look back at your life, you know your treasures are the ones who stood by you and who you stood by. You know your fortunes turn favourably each time you detach from angst, resentment, frustration and grief to simply tip towards giving and loving uncalculated. Long term security, stability and harmony is here for you with promising goals and potentials. Just flip the switch on your fears and you are golden.
Cosmic tip: Create a marvellous symphony of your life.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
A flicker of ideas, a dash of inspiration, a sudden downpour of clarity or even a ray of sunshine streaming through stone walls – call it what you must, it is here upon you. Aquarius, now what do you do? Firmly, compassionately, tenderly yet systematically finetune your life and it’s deeds, actions and happenings to the inner worlds you are experiencing. Adapt, evolve, trust and grow, but remember you have a world of support that is here for you – celebrate this tribe, this community and this kinship. You will soon embark on new adventures and this is your time to harmonise and plan ahead with all your heart.
Cosmic tip: Allow your heart to guide the visions of your mind.
Pisces Horoscope Today: March 21, 2025
The Universe gives when you consciously try and balance the scales, Pisces. Focus, determination, structure and a long term outlook are your priorities in your present as you strive towards creating lasting harmony and an easeful way of life. Windfalls, sudden forward movement in some aspects and even an inner drive to go get your dreams and goals is highlighted as we step into Aries season today. Relentlessly and meticulously work towards your goals while you also take time to day dream them into your life.
Cosmic tip: Peace begets peace.