Triple H was very worried for the health of a star after he took a big move during a match. The video of the situation has now emerged.
iShowSpeed was put into the Royal Rumble by Triple H after Carmelo Hayes attacked Akira Tozawa, who hadn’t even entered, following his quick elimination. Tozawa needed to be replaced, and The Game called on Speed, who was backstage and watching what was happening in the match. The star came out to the ring and even helped Bron Breakker eliminate Otis. He was celebrating, but took a dangerous Spear from Breakker for his trouble, that destroyed him. The star has now vowed to never return to WWE.
He was then dumped over the top rope by Breakker, and onto Otis. The Alpha Academy member then decided to take revenge by hitting him with a modified Fall-Away Slam on to the commentary table.
This spot left Triple H worried about iShowSpeed’s health. In a video that has emerged of the Gorilla position in that moment, The Game can be heard worried for Speed and asking if he was okay, and asking for confirmation about his status after the move. He then heard back and let Stephanie McMahon know that Speed was still alive after all, and that he seemed okay.
“Is he okay? Somebody tell me if iShowSpeed is okay! He seems okay, yeah! He’s still alive. He’s still alive.”
With Speed having vowed to never return to WWE, it remains to be seen what’s next for him.
Edited by Harish Raj S