Here’s everything coming in FF14 7.2, from Cosmic Exploration to Occult Crescent


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The next FF14 Dawntrail patch has a lot riding on it. The latest expansion for Square Enix’s critically acclaimed MMORPG split opinion with its low-key start to a new story arc, but the actual gameplay and battle content has been some of its best yet. The FF14 7.2 patch promises to add a lot more of exactly that – with the Dawntrail MSQ in the rear-view mirror, there’s a focus on more long-form content that will keep us coming back each week with new things to do. In today’s FF14 Live Letter 85, game director Naoki Yoshida and community producer Toshio Murouchi unveil the full complement of activities in the new update.

Final Fantasy 14 patch 7.2 is titled ‘Seekers of Eternity,’ and it’s currently scheduled to arrive in “late March.” While there’s no exact date given, FF14 is typically a very well-scheduled MMORPG, and that means we’d single out Tuesday March 25 as the most likely suspect for the FF14 7.2 release date.

Before we dig into the rest of the details, Yoshida and Murouchi take a moment to address the controversy around a recent FF14 mod that gave players access to a lot of user information. Yoshida reiterates his request for players to not use plugins, and says, “I’m very disappointed that this kind of tool exists, but we will be improving the system going forward,” explaining that Square Enix is “taking steps” to address it.

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Yoshida kicks things off with the regular roundup of upcoming story and battle content. The new update will of course continue the main story arc from the Dawntrail conclusion and the events of patch 7.1. I won’t get into these in too much detail yet in case you’ve yet to play the previous update, which included some pretty big revelations, but I’m certainly very curious to see how things will play out.

Alongside that will be the return of Inspector Hildibrand, which is ready to dig into the main story following its introductory chapter in patch 7.1. The Mamool Ja are the new allied society, and will offer quests for gatherer jobs. Dawntrail’s best side quest is also making its comeback with a new Cornservant adventure. If you haven’t done the original chain, you can start it in Tuliyollal, and it’s an absolute joy.

Our new tomestones are Allagan Tomestones of Mathematics. As ever, these will be your key to getting some of the new endgame gear. Yoshida notes that this name has been one the team has wanted to use for a long time, and jokes: “They will ask you for prime numbers when you want to trade them in, and if your answer is incorrect all your tomes will be gone!” The ongoing rollout of NPC Duty Support for optional dungeons continues with The Sunken Temple of Qarn – the first dungeon in the game to introduce some minor puzzle mechanics.

FF14 patch 7.2 - New trial, Recollection, featuring a robotic version of Beatrix from Final Fantasy 9.

Next, we take a look at the battle content. Our new dungeon is The Underkeep, and, as you might expect given its position in FF14’s Alexandria, its design is very directly inspired by Final Fantasy 9. The new trial is named Recollection, and will come in normal and extreme variants. Our opponent resembles a giant, robotic version of FF9’s Beatrix, and if it follows in her footsteps we can expect a particularly challenging fight. Indeed, Yoshida says initial testing of the normal mode “was too difficult,” and the team had to take out some mechanics – expect those to feature in the extreme version, however.

The next part of the Arcadion raid series returns, and there’s no surprises in its name. The Cruiserweight Tier will see us step up to take on a new set of challengers, and our first arena tease is a stylish disco dancefloor. “These panels might fall down,” Yoshida muses, “Or the lights shoot lasers.” He also says to expect at least one very “high tempo” fight, and confirms that the Arcadion’s commentator will return to call out our successes and failures.

In true wrestling fashion, the raid also appears to feature a face turn for the villainous Brute Bomber, and we’ll almost certainly see both Black Cat and Wicked Thunder back. I’m quietly hopeful that means we haven’t seen the last of fan favorite Honey B. Lovely – even if Yoshi-P isn’t a fan of her cutesy antics.

FF14 patch 7.2 - The Arcadion raid's Brute Bomber plays with cats in the Cruiserweight Tier of the MMORPG.

Alongside the story trial comes our next unreal trial, Hells’ Kier (Unreal). That means we’ll be going up against another of the four lords from Stormblood, Suzaku, in a battle designed to replicate the original challenge of the fight at launch. Muroichi reflects that “for its time, there were a lot of mechanics in this where you needed to pay attention to the map and the outside.”

With all that out of the way, it’s finally time to dig into FF14 patch 7.2’s big headline features. First up is Cosmic Exploration, which sees players working together across the whole server to explore the cosmos in search of new stars. This is designed for crafters and gatherers, will be supported by the Loporrits, and you can think of it a little like a new, intergalactic spin on Ishgard Restoration and the Diadem. Seeing the images, it actually reminds me a little of sandbox games such as Astroneer and Satisfactory.

Yoshida notes that players can build ways to get around the rather large zones, such as zip lines. He emphasizes that he wants Cosmic Exploration “to have a strong feeling of ‘doing it together,’ to give that MMO feeling,” although he says you will still be able to enjoy it solo. He also adds that, unlike Ishgard Restoration, he wants people to be able to “look back” on the progress over time even if they don’t get to the mode until a later stage in its development. Teasing one of the new mounts, a walking mech suit, Yoshida laughs. “What game is this?”

FF14 patch 7.2 - A series of images from the new Cosmic Exploration feature in the MMORPG.

Next is the new battle content, Occult Crescent, which features large-scale multiplayer zones and is essentially the successor to Eureka and Bozja. It takes place in FF14’s equivalent to the real-world Bermuda Triangle. “In the treacherous waters of Shades’ Triangle lies the Occult Crescent, an isle shrouded in mystery. Should you wish to unveil its secrets, you must explore the unmapped terrain, and battle against the isle’s inhabitants.”

You’ll need a combat job at level 100 to travel to the Occult Crescent, where you’ll explore and gradually increase your ‘Knowledge Level’ over time. This knowledge will “greatly influence the outcome of battles” on the isle, which range from open-world encounters to specific zoned-off, large-scale boss battles that resemble Bozja’s critical engagements. There will also be a full raid that supports a group of up to 48 players.

Supplementing your active job are a series of ‘Phantom Jobs’ based on FF5 classes. These will grant you additional actions that can be used alongside your main job’s skills. We get a glimpse at Freelancer, Monk, Bard, Geomancer, Ranger, Berserker, Time Mage, Chemist, and Cannoneer, although more are promised.

FF14 patch 7.2 - A series of images from the MMORPG's new battle content, the Occult Crescent in Shades' Triangle.

Much like in Shadowbringers, you’ll have two options for weapon enhancement when patch 7.2 arrives. You can either do it by exploring the Occult Crescent, or through certain other existing activities if you don’t fancy the new mode. Yoshida says the team isn’t ready to reveal quite what it looks like, but teases that all media tour feedback around the world told him “that people wanted something more engaging and memorable.”

To round out the reveals, we dip into competitive multiplayer. PvP Season 8 arrives in 7.2, and you can expect several new PvP actions as well as adjustments for existing ones. Frontline’s least-popular map, the ‘Secure’ campaign, is making its return, having been reworked and improved.

Ahead of the update comes a collaboration with instax, a new camera from Fujifilm. A themed camera emote is being introduced with patch 7.18 (scheduled for Tuesday February 25), although there’s no details yet on how we’ll unlock it. Additionally, an Echoes of Vana’diel discount campaign will give FF14 subscribers a 30-day discount on an FF11 subscription. Yoshida says more details about that offer will arrive soon.

FF14 instax collaboration and new camera emote - A Miqote uses a camera in Il Mheg as part of the FFXIV patch 7.18 update.

FF14 patch 7.2 is set to release in late March – based on the MMO’s usual schedule, we expect it to arrive on Tuesday March 25. That’s all for Live Letter 85 – thanks as ever to ‘Miuna’ and ‘iluna minori’ on the FF14 Discord for their hard work live translating the show – you can join here [Discord link opens in a new window].

Keep an eye on the FF14 servers and maintenance times in the runup to the launch, so you aren’t caught off-guard by any downtime. You’ll also want to ensure you’ve got your FF14 free Fantasia – there’s one available in Gridania that must be claimed by the time patch 7.1 comes to a close.

Are you excited for the next FF14 update? Tell us about it in our community Discord. You can also follow us on Google News for daily PC games news, reviews, and guides.

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