If you find yourself pining after the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games of yore, then here’s a simple solution: make your own. No, not by founding your own studio or moving to Japan (though by all means, if you’ve the time and money), but by using RPG Maker VX Ace, a game-making tool that’s available now for the sweet price of free – if you’re quick.
Like the title implies, RPG Maker VX Ace gives you the means to create RPGs. No coding or programming or design experience is needed, instead you have a map and an easy-to-understand interface offering a wide variety of options for your characters, terrain, enemies, and storylines.
From there, you can do whatever you please. Fancy something like a classic Final Fantasy game? Or maybe more of a horror game? Or a straight fantasy game, like a demake of Skyrim? It’s your project, do with it what you will. The RPG Maker franchise allows you to import player-made creations as well, so you can also dip into the community for a well of other assets.

If you’re a first-timer, VX Ace makes a good entry point. It’s got a good selection and the UI is straightforward. This year marks the 25th anniversary of RPG Maker 2000, as well as some milestone birthdays strewn across other entries. As such, there are celebrations planned right for the next two weeks, so if you’re role-playing inclined, keep your eyes peeled.
Until Monday, February 11, RPG Maker XV Ace is free to keep on Steam. You can find out more on its official Steam page. Discounts within the franchise are also available if you’d like to shop around the installments.
If you like your releases already finished, check out our lists of new PC games and upcoming PC games for what’s hot and coming up. They should inspire some ideas for when your new studio gets up and running, too.
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