All The Sims 4 cheats for free money, max skills, and more


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What are all of The Sims 4 cheats? Whether you’re after that all-important Sims 4 money cheat for some extra Simoleons, we’ve listed heaps of handy shortcuts to make the lives of your virtual family more manageable. In this guide, we’ll let you know all of the Sims 4 cheats, and more importantly, how to use them.

Cheats are by no means new to The Sims 4, and EA even actively encourages their use. Still, it can be hard to keep track of all The Sims cheats, so we’ve put them all in one handy place – including those all so important Sims 4 money cheats. Our list is perfect if you’ve never played past entries in one of the best PC games, or are wondering if all those old cheats still work, and we even add new cheats for new DLCs and expansion packs.

An in-game warning when enabling The Sims 4 cheats that reads:

How to enable The Sims 4 cheats

To turn on cheats in The Sims 4 on PC or Mac, open the Sims 4 cheat console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C. Enter the cheat text from the list below into the text box, then press ‘Enter’ or ‘Done’.

You may then see a pop-up that asks you to confirm you are happy to use cheats. Enabling cheats prevents you from earning achievements in that particular save, even if you turn them back off again – but it’s worth it for the extra fun.

Some cheats below are shift-click cheats. For these, instead of entering a code, you must type ‘testingcheats true‘ into the cheat console. Then, either type an additional command or click the Sim or object for more options.

All The Sims 4 cheats

We’ve got basic Sims 4 cheats as well as those for DLC packs and kits:

Sims 4 cheats: One sim sits on their laptio, while another thinks, a heart appearing above her head.

Sims 4 money cheats

Cheat textEffect
kaching+1,000 Simoleons
rosebud+1,000 Simoleons
motherlode+50,000 Simoleons
Money [amount]Exact amount of Simoleons

Sims 4 cheats: A happy Sim gains a point of sadness.

Sims 4 satisfaction and needs cheats

sims.give_satisfaction_points[amount]+[amount] satisfaction points
fillmotive motive_Bladderfills bladder motive
fillmotive motive_Energyfills energy motive
fillmotive motive_Funfills fun motive
fillmotive motive_Hungerfills hunger motive
fillmotive motive_Hygienefills hygiene motive
fillmotive motive_Socialfills social motive
sims.fill_all_commoditiesfills every motive for the household

To alter a Sim’s needs, such as making them happy instantly, you can also type ‘testingcheats true’ into the console, and shift-click the Sim in question. Select the need change from the options.

Alternatively, to keep a Sim at its current state, whether good or bad, by using ‘testingcheats true’, shift-clicking the Sim, choosing ‘cheat need’ from the options, and then ‘disable need decay‘.

Sims 4 cheats: death visits a sims home

Sims 4 death cheats

death.toggle trueMakes a Sim immortal
death.toggle falseMakes an immortal Sim mortal
sims.add_buff buff_death_electrocution_warningCauses death after using an electronic item
sims.add_buff buff_death_elderexhaustion_warningCauses death after exercising
sims.add_buff buff_mortifiedCauses death by embarrassment
sims.add_buff buff_motives_hunger_starvingCauses death by malnutrition
sims.add_buff GhostlyTemporarily turns Sim into a ghost

Adult Sim skill cheats

To max out your Sim’s skills, enter the cheat ‘stats.set_skill_level Skill_[Skill] 10‘. Here are some examples:

stats.set_skill_level Skill_Charisma 10Max out Sim’s charisma skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Cooking 10Max out Sim’s cooking skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fishing 10Max out Sim’s fishing skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Guitar 10Max out Sim’s guitar skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Piano 10Max out Sim’s piano skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_VideoGaming 5Set Sim’s video gaming skill to 5
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Writing 8Set Sim’s writing skill to 8

Level ten is an adult’s maximum skill level, but you can set it lower than this if you don’t want to max out your Sim instantly.

The Sims 4 skill cheats: A doctor sim carrying out a cat scan

Sims 4 career cheats

You can add or remove a career using the cheat ‘careers.add_career [career]‘ or ‘careers.remove_career [career]‘. If you want to tweak your career progression fast, you can input ‘careers.demote[name of career]’ or ‘careers.promote[name of career]’ to decide your place in the job market. Here are some examples:

careers.promote [Career]Adds one level to [career]
careers.promote DoctorAdds one level to doctor career
careers.demote [Career]Removes one level of [career]
careers.demote AthleteRemoves one level of athlete career
careers.add_career [Career]Adds new [career]
careers.add_career AstronautAdds astronaut career
careers.remove_career [Career]Removes [career]
careers.remove_career EntertainerRemoves Entertainer career
careers.retire [Career]Sim retires from [career]

Sims 4 relationship cheats

The two big ones are a bit long winded. To increase the friendship value between you and another Sim, use ‘modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] X LTR_Friendship_Main’.

To increase the romantic relationship between two Sims, instead use, ‘modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] X LTR_Romance_Main‘. ‘X’ is the value you’re adding, to a maximum of 100, and you can use the minus symbol to subtract. See examples below.

add to familyAdds a random citizen to household
relationships.create_friends_for_simCreates a new Sim
that is friends with your Sim
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_othersIntroduces your Sim to all neighbors in the vicinity
modifyrelationship Max Payne Mona Sax 100 LTR_Friendship_mainIncrease Max and Mona’s friendship fully
modifyrelationship Max Payne Mona Sax -50 LTR_Friendship_mainDecrease Max and Mona’s friendship by half
modifyrelationship Max Payne Mona Sax 100 LTR_Romance_mainIncrease Max and Mona’s romance fully
modifyrelationship Max Payne Mona Sax -50 LTR_Romance_mainDecrease Max and Mona’s romance by half

A pregnant Sim holds up a sonogram of her baby, while another behind her leads a toddler by the hand.

Sims 4 pregnancy cheats

sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlaborMake a Sim or ghost pregnant and in labor
sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester1Make a Sim or ghost pregnant and in their first trimester
sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester2Make a Sim or ghost pregnant and in their second trimester
sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester3Make a Sim or ghost pregnant and in their third trimester
pregnancy.force_offspring_count [simID] [count][Count] reflects how many kids you want to have at once

Sims 4 building cheats

FreeRealEstate OnAll lots in world view are free
FreeRealEstate OffAll lots are paid-for
bb.moveobjects onIgnore placement rules
 bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlementUnlocks all catalog items
bb.showhiddenobjectsUnlocks hidden catalog items
bb.moveobjects onMove any item

Sims 4 teleport cheat

To move a Sim anywhere, enter ‘testingcheats true‘ into the console, and Shift + Click anywhere on the ground. Click on ‘Teleport Me Here‘ to move your Sim.

Create-A-Sim cheat

cas.fulleditmodeEdit any Sim in Create-A-Sim mode

Sims 4 UI cheats

There are only a couple of cheats for changing the UI, which we’ve listed below, but some Sims 4 mods, such as Show Sim Info and Dark Mode UI, offer more UI options.

headlineeffects offDisables speech bubbles and other headline effects
headlineeffects onRe-enables speech bubbles and other headline effects
hovereffects onEnable hover effect when you mouseover Sims
hovereffects offDisable hover effect when you mouseover Sims
fullscreenToggleToggles game between fullscreen and windowed
fps onAdds FPS display
fps offRemoves FPS display

You might also be interested in the UI cheats extension mod, which changes the cheat UI itself. It doesn’t add any new cheats, but it replaces the need to open the command console and manually type in the cheats. If you find yourself needing to use many cheats, it’s a pretty sweet quality-of-life mod.

Sims 4 Lovestruck cheats: A girl sits on her bed as tears run down her face and a broken heart appears above her head in the Sims 4 Lovestruck expansion.

Lovestruck cheats

traits.equip_trait trait_RomanticallyReservedGive your Sim the Romantically Reserved trait
traits.remove_trait trait_RomanticallyReservedRemove the Romantically Reserved trait
stats.set_skill_level Major Romance [#]Set Sim’s Romance skill
stats.set_skill_level Major Romance 10Max out Sim’s charisma skill
careers.promote RomanceConsultantAdds one level to Romance Consultant career
careers.demote RomanceConsultantRemoves one level of Romance Consultant career
aspirations.complete_current_milestoneCompletes all aspirations

Sims 4 cheats: A Sim gardening in the Sims 4 Seasons expansion

Seasons weather cheats

The Seasons expansion is undoubtedly one of the best Sims 4 expansion packs, as it offers massive gameplay changes to the entire game. Use these Sims 4 weather cheats to have complete control over the weather.

seasons.set_season 0Set to Summer
seasons.set_season 1Set to Fall
seasons.set_season 2Set to Winter
seasons.set_season 3Set to Spring
weather.start_weather_event weather_cloudy_coolSet weather to cloudy
and cool
weather.start_weather_event weather_cloudy_warmSet weather to cloudy
and warm
weather.start_weather_event weather_heatwaveCauses a heatwave
weather.start_weather_event weather_rain_heavy_warmCauses heavy rain
while warm
weather.start_weather_event weather_rain_light_coolCauses light rain while cool
weather.start_weather_event weather_rain_storm_coldCauses a thunderstorm
weather.start_weather_event weather_snow_heavy_freezingSets weather to heavy snow and freezing
weather.start_weather_event weather_snow_light_freezingSets weather to light snow and freezing
weather.start_weather_event weather_snow_thundersnowCauses a thunderstorm
with snow
weather.start_weather_event weather_sunny_burningSet weather to sunny
and dangerously hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_sunny_coolSets weather to sunny
and cool
weather.start_weather_event weather_sunny_freezingSets weather to sunny
and freezing
weather.start_weather_event weather_sunny_warmSets weather to sunny
and warm
weather.start_weather_event weather_sunshower_hotSet weather to rain
while hot

Sims 4 cheats: A Sim petting her cat in a local park in Sims 4 Cats & Dogs expansion pack cheats

Cats and Dogs pet cheats

stats.set_skill_level skill_dog [#]Change pet training skill level (1-5)
stats.set_skill_level skill_dog 5Max out pet training skill level
stats.set_skill_level major_vet [#]Change Sim’s vet skill (1-10)
stats.set_skill_level major_vet 10Maxes out Sim’s vet skill
traits.equip_trait attractionUnlocks Animal Affection perk

You can also use the friendship cheat from above for your pet with this expansion pack. Enter ‘modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetPetFirstName] [TargetPetLastName] X LTR_SimtoPet_Friendship_Main, replacing ‘X’ with a value between 0 and 100 to change the friendship level between a Sim and a pet.

The Sims 4 Get to Work cheats

careers.promote adult_active_scientistAdd a level to Sim’s scientist career
careers.promote detectiveAdd a level to Sim’s detective career
careers.promote doctorAdd a level to Sim’s doctor career
careers.demote adult_active_scientistRemove a level from Sim’s scientist career
careers.demote detectiveRemove a level from Sim’s detective career
careers.demote doctorRemove a level from Sim’s doctor career
stats.set_skill_level major_baking [#]Set baking skill level
stats.set_skill_level major_baking 10Maxes out baking skill level
traits.equip_trait Trait_Doctor_SicknessResistantGive a doctor sickness resistance
traits.remove_trait Trait_Doctor_SicknessResistantRemove sickness resistance

Sims 4 Vampires cheats

traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampireTurns Sim into a Vampire
traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampireTurns Vampire back into a human

Sims 4 Werewolves cheats

traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolfTurns Sim into a Werewolf
traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolfTurns Werewolf into a human

A sim tends to his horse in the Sims 4 Horse Ranch expansion pack.

Horse Ranch cheats


traits.equip_trait trait_HorseLoverAdds Horse Lover trait
traits.equip_trait trait_isRanchHandAdds Ranch Hand trait
traits.equip_trait trait_MasterTrainerAdds Master Trainer trait
traits.remove_trait trait_HorseLoverRemoves Horse Lover trait
traits.remove_trait trait_isRanchHandRemoves Ranch Hand trait
traits.remove_trait trait_MasterTrainerRemoves Master Trainer trait

A famous Sim signing a piece of paper in Sims 4 Get Famous

Get Famous cheats

stats.set_skill_level Major_Acting [#]Set Major Acting skill level
stats.set_skill_level Major_Acting 10Maxes out Major Acting skill
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Media [#]Set Minor Media skill level
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Media 10Maxes out Minor Media skill
famepoints [#]Adds fame points
famepoints 10Adds maximum fame points
traits.equip_trait UnstoppableFameAdds Unstoppable Fame trait
traits.equip_trait UnstoppableFameRemoves Unstoppable Fame trait
traits.equip_trait WorldRenownedActorAdds World Renowned Actor trait
traits.equip_trait WorldRenownedActorRemoves World Renowned Actor trait
careers.promote ActorAdds one level to actor career
careers.promote DramaClubAdds one level to drama club career

Sims 4 cheats: A Sim swimming alongside a dolphin in Sims 4 Island Living

Island Living cheats

traits.equip_trait trait_OccultMermaidTurns Sim into a Mermaid
traits.remove_trait trait_OccultMermaidTurns a Mermaid into a human
volcanic_eruption smallDrops small lava bombs from the sky
volcanic_eruption largeDrops large lava bombs from the sky
Adds Laid Back Beach Bum trait
Removes Laid Back Beach Bum trait
traits.equip_trait trait_Hidden_IslandAncestor_ElementalAdds Elemental Ancestor trait
traits.remove_trait trait_Hidden_IslandAncestor_ElementalRemoves Elemental Ancestor trait
Adds Natural Speaker trait
Removes Natural Speaker trait
Adds Friend of the Sea trait
Removes Friend of the Sea trait

Sims 4 cheats: A student learns robotics in the Discover University sims 4 expansion pack.

Discover University cheats


stats.set_skill_level major_researchdebate [#]Set Research Debate skill
stats.set_skill_level major_researchdebate 10Max out Research Debate skill
stats.set_skill_level major_robotics [#]Set Major Robotics skill
stats.set_skill_level major_robotics 10Max out Major Robotics skill
Loot.Apply_To_Sim Loot_Organization_JoinOrQuit_Robotics Join a University
Stats.Set_Stat RankedStatistic_
CollegeOrganization_Progress_Robotics [#]
Robotics club level
careers.promote careers_Adult_EducationAdds one level to education career
careers.promote careers_Adult_LawAdds one level to law career
careers.promote careers_Adult_EngineerAdds one level to engineer career
careers.promote careers_Volunteer_SoccerTeamAdds one level to soccer team career
careers.promote career_Volunteer_E-SportsAdds one level to
e-sports career

Sims 4 cheats: A snowboarder in the sims 4 snowy escape expansion.

Snowy Escape cheats


stats.set_skill_level major_skiing [#]Set Skiing skill level
stats.set_skill_level major_rockclimbing [#]Set Rock Climbing skill level
stats.set_skill_level major_snowboarding [#]Set Snowboarding skill level
stats.set_skill_level major_skiing 10Max out Skiing skill
stats.set_skill_level major_rockclimbing 2Set Rock Climbing skill to 2
stats.set_skill_level major_snowboarding 5Set Snowboarding skill to 5

Sims 4 cheats: A female sim waves a cow bell at a cow

Cottage Living cheats

stats.setgskill_level Skill_CrossStitch [#]Set Cross-Stitch skill level
stats.setgskill_level Skill_CrossStitch 5Set Cross-Stitch skill to 5
traits.equip_trait trait_LactoseIntolerantAdd Lactose Intolerant trait
traits.equip_trait trait_AnimalEnthusiastAdd Animal Enthusiast trait
traits.equip_trait trait_Nature_CountryAdd Nature Country trait
traits.remove_trait trait_LactoseIntolerantRemove Lactose Intolerant trait
traits.remove_trait trait_AnimalEnthusiastRemove Animal Enthusiast trait
traits.remove_trait trait_Nature_CountryRemove Nature Country trait

After enabling ‘testingCheats True’, you can also shift-click livestock to bring up a menu allowing you to:

  • Unlock all animal homes
  • Cheat relationship
  • Get all animal clothes
  • Buy animal clothing
  • Create wool inventory
  • Create all feed recipes
  • Cheat outcomes

You can also spawn animals by shift-clicking on the ground, an animal shed, or a chicken coop. When shift-clicking on a chicken coop, you can spawn rare eggs.

Shift-clicking on a Wild Bird Home allows you to control wild birds or discover their gift preferences, and shift-clicking on a fridge allows you to unlock all animal treat recipes – these can also be spawned in your inventory. To spawn colored rabbits, shift-click on the Wild Rabbit Home and click ‘create rabbit in home’. The color of the rabbit will be random. You can shift-click on Sims to kill them with a vicious killer rabbit.

YouTube Thumbnail

For Rent cheats

bb.increaserentalunitcap offToggles the rental cap off
bb.increaserentalunitcap onTurns the rental cap back on

The Sims 4 Dine Out cheats: Night falls over a fancy restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating.

Dine Out cheats

RecommendDishSocial true
Unlock Curious Customers
AdditionalWaiter_1 true
Unlock Additional Waiter#1
AdditionalWaiter_2 true
Unlock Additional Waiter#2
IngredientQualityOptions true
Unlock Ingredient Quality Options
MoreCustomers true
Unlock Meal Rush
IngredientCostDiscount true
Unlock Surplus Harvest
LengthenImpatienceTimeout true
Unlock Patient Patrons
AdditionalChef true
Unlock Additional Chef
RecommendDishFrequency true
Unlock Curiouser Customers
InspirationalSpeechSocial true
Unlock Inspirational Speech
EatFaster true
Unlock Fast Eaters
LowerEmployeeTrainingCost true
Unlock Lower Employee Training Costs
CheaperIngredients_1 true
Unlock Ingredient Discount (small)
CheaperIngredients_2 true
Unlock Ingredient Discount (large)
ExpensiveOrders true
Unlock Well Funded Foodsies
RiskFreeMarkup true
Unlock Tidy Tippers
bucks.unlock_perk LowerChanceBadEvents_Small trueUnlock Well Managed
bucks.unlock_perk ChefsHat trueUnlock The Chef’s Hat

The Sims 4 Cheats: A landscape image from The Sims Jungle Adventure pack, showing stone ruins in a green jungle.

Jungle Adventure cheats

traits.equip_trait poisonInstantly kills Sim by poisoning
sims.add_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_CommonSim dies from electrocution when repairing something
sims.add_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_RareSim dies from poisoning within three days
sims.add_buff curses_MarkedForDeath_UncommonSim dies from spontaneous combustion
traits.equip_trait Trait_Hidden_Skeleton_ServiceSkeletonTurns your Sim into a skeleton
traits.remove_trait Trait_Hidden_Skeleton_ServiceSkeletonTurns your skeleton Sim back into a human
sims.add_buff Buff_SkeletonTurns your Sim into a skeleton for 12 hours
sims.remove_buff Buff_SkeletonTurns skeleton Sim into a human before 12 hours

Businesses and Hobbies cheats

stats.set_skill_level Major_Tattooing 10Max out Sim’s Tattooing skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Pottery 10Max out Sim’s Pottery skill
traits.equip_trait trait_IdealistAdds Idealist trait
traits.equip_trait trait_ShadyAdds Shady trait
traits.equip_trait trait_BelovedAdds Beloved trait
traits.equip_trait trait_SpeakerAdds Speaker trait
traits.equip_trait AspirationalCreatorAdds Aspirational Creator trait
traits.equip_trait AuraActiveAdds Active Aura trait
traits.equip_trait AuraCreativeAdds Creative Aura trait
traits.equip_trait AuraMentalAdds Mental Aura trait
traits.equip_trait AspirationalThinkerAdds Aspirational Thinker trait
traits.equip_trait PowerfulPerformerAdds Powerful Performer trait
traits.equip_trait SecondWindAdds Second Wind trait
traits.equip_trait SpacebendAdds Spacebender trait
traits.equip_trait SpiceAdds Secret Spice trait

And there you have it, a list of all the most useful The Sims 4 cheats to help you manipulate your tiny little virtual people in ways you’d never thought possible. If you’ve been enjoying the legacy collection, we also have you covered with The Sims 1 cheats and The Sims 2 cheats. We’ve got a list of games like Sims if you need more to scratch that simulation game itch ahead of any The Sims 5 release date window. Hopefully, our cheat sheet helps you speed things up a bit in your latest save.

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