What are the Elden Ring bosses in order? The most defining moments in soulslike games are the tough boss fights. They can be tricky for several reasons: some are hard to hit consistently, and others can squash you with just one attack. The Lands Between is full of enemies, but you only need to beat 12 Elden Ring bosses to finish the game.
In addition to an ordered list of mandatory boss encounters, our list of Elden Ring bosses includes where you can find them, and what rewards they drop. We’ve also collated the top five Elden Ring bosses in order of difficulty, as well as some handy tips on how to beat them. Generally speaking, dungeon bosses are not as hard to kill as the major bosses. However, there are exceptions, so equipping the best Elden Ring summons and upgrading the Flask of Wondrous Physick with Elden Ring crystal tears can make all the difference in one of the best PC games ever.
Main Elden Ring bosses in order
You may think you need to beat all Shardbearers to complete Elden Ring, but this is far from the truth. You only need two Great Runes to access the Altus Plateau, then defeat the Great Rune bearer in Leyndell, Royal Capital to unlock the doorway to the Erdtree. From here, you start the final part of the game, where you must travel to the Crumbling Farum Azula, before returning to Leyndell, now an Ashen Capital, to fight against the final gauntlet of bosses.
Unless you’re aiming to complete a speed run, we don’t recommend that you solely focus on these boss fights. Instead, you should at least do a little bit of grinding or seek out some of the best Elden Ring weapons to aid you in combat, as well as the best Elden ring armor to survive fearsome attacks.
Here are the main Elden Ring bosses in order:
- Margit the Fell Omen (required boss to reach Godrick)
- Godrick the Grafted (beat for one of the two required Great Runes)
- Red Wolf of Radagon (required boss to reach Rennala)
- Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon (beat for one of the two required Great Runes)
- God-devouring Serpent / Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy (beat for one of the two required Great Runes)
- Starscourge Radahn (beat for one of the two required Great Runes)
- Magma Wyrm Makar (optional)
- Godfrey, First Elden Lord
- Morgot, the Omen King
- Fire Giant
- Godskin Duo
- Maliketh, the Black Blade
- Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing
- Godfrey, First Elden Lord / Hoarah Loux
- Radagon of the Golden Order / Elden Beast
All Elden Ring bosses
To make it easy for you to see which ones you’ve beaten and which remain alive, you can find a complete list of all Elden Ring bosses locations and loot drops, including the best Elden Ring talismans, below, sorted by region. Next to each entry, you’ll also find any special conditions you need to complete to fight them, such as one of the many Elden Ring quests.
Here are all of the bosses in Elden Ring:
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Soldier of Godrick | Stranded Graveyard | 400 runes |
Tree Sentinel | Limgrave Road | 3,200 runes Golden Halberd (weapon) |
Flying Dragon Agheel | Dragon-Burnt Ruins | 5,000 runes Dragon Heart (key item) |
Erdtree Burial Tree Watchdog | Stormfoot Catacombs | 1,300 runes Noble Sorcerer Ashes (ashes) |
Stonedigger Troll | Limgrave Tunnels | 1,800 runes Roar medallion (talisman) |
Beastman of Farum Azula | Groveside Cave | 1,000 runes Flamedrake Talisman (talisman) |
Demi-Human Chief | Dissenter’s Cave | 1200 runes Tailoring Tools (key item) Sewing Needle (key item) |
Bell Bearing Hunter | Warmaster’s Shack | 2,700 runes Bone Peddler’s Bell Bearing |
Grave Warden Duelist | Murkwater Catacombs | 1,700 runes Banished Knight Engvall Ashes |
Mad Pumpkin Head | Waypoint Ruins | 1,100 runes |
Crucible Knight | Stormhill Evergaol | 2,100 runes Aspects of the Crucible: Tail (incantation) |
Bloodhound Knight Darriwil | Forlorn Hound Evergaol | 1,900 runes Barricade Shield (Ash of War) |
Night’s Cavalry | Bridge near Agheel Lake North at night | 2,400 runes Repeating Thrust (Ash of War) Nightrider Glaive (weapon) |
Black Knife Assassin | Deathtouched Catacombs | 1,600 runes Assassin’s Crimson Dagger (weapon) |
Tibia Mariner | Summonwater Village | 2,400 runes Deathroot (key item) Skeletal Militiaman Ashes (ashes) |
Margit the Fell Omen | Stormhill | 12,000 runes Talisman Pouch (key item) |
Ulcerated Tree Spirit | Fringefolk Hero’s Grave (requires Stonesword key in Stranded Graveyard) | 15,000 runes Banished Knight Oleg (ashes) Golden Seed |
Deathbird | East of Warmaster’s Shack (only at night) | 2,800 runes Blue-feathered Branchsword (talisman) |
Guardian Golem | Highroad Cave | 1,700 runes Blue-dancer Charm (talisman) |
Patches | Murkwater Cave | Golden Rune (1) x2 Grovel for Mercy (emote) Additional item drops if you kill him: Spear +7 (weapon) Leather Armor (armor) Leather Gloves (armor) Leather Boots (armor) Patches’ Bell Bearing (key item) |
Bell Bearing Hunter | Warmaster’s Shack (only at night) | 2,700 runes Bone Peddler’s Bell Bearing (key item) |
Stormveil Castle
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Crucible Knight | Stormveil Castle | 1,500 runes Aspects of the Crucible: Horns (incantation) |
Lion Guardian | Stormveil Castle | 1,138 runes Somber Smithing Stone [1] Beast Blood Old Fang x2 |
Grafted Scion | Stormveil Castle | 3,200 runes Ornamental Straight Sword Golden Beast Crest Shield |
Godrick the Grafted | Stormveil Castle | 20,000 runes Godrick’s Great Rune Remembrance of the Grafted (use to get boss weapon) |
Weeping Peninsula
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Erdtree Burial Watchdog | Impaler’s Catacombs | 2,400 runes Demi-Human Ashes (ashes) |
Runebear | Earthbore Cave (lower level) | 2,600 runes Spelldrake Talisman (talisman) |
Night’s Cavalry | Road north of Castle Morne Ramparts | 3,400 runes Barricade Shield (Ash of War) Nightrider Flail (weapon) |
Scaly Misbegotten | Mourne Tunnel | 2,000 runes Rusted Anchor (weapon) |
Cemetery Shade | Tombsward Catacombs | 2,200 runes Lhutel the Headless (ashes) |
Ancient Hero of Zamor | Weeping Evergaol | 5,400 runes Radagon’s Scarseal (talisman) |
Erdtree Avatar | Minor Erdtree east of Tombsward Site of Grace | 4,500 runes Opaline Bubbletear (crystal tear) Crimsonburst crystal tear (crystal tear) |
Leonine Misbegotten | Castle Morne | 3,800 runes Grafted Blade Greatsword (weapon) |
Deathbird | North of Castle Morne in the mountains (only at night) | 3,900 runes Sacrificial Axe (weapon) |
Miranda the Blighted Bloom | Tombsward Cave | 2,100 runes Viridian Amber Medallion (talisman) |
Liurnia of the Lakes
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Grafted Scion | Chapel of Anticipation | 3,200 runes Ornamental Straight Sword (weapon) Gold Beast Crest Shield (shield) |
Cleanrot Knight | Stillwater Cave | 2,475 runes Winged Sword Insignia (talisman) |
Adan, Thief of Fire | Malefactor’s Evergaol | 3,800 runes Flame of the Fell God (incantation) |
Tibia Mariner | Liurnia of the Lakes near the Study Hall | 4,700 runes Deathroot (key item) Skeletal Bandit Ashes (ashes) |
Erdtree Burial Watchdog | Cliffbottom Catacombs | 2,700 runes Kaiden Sellsword Ashes (ashes) |
Night’s Cavalry | Patrolling south of Bellum Church (only at night) | 5,600 Runes Giant Hunt (Ashes of War) Nightrider Glaive (weapon) |
Night’s Cavalry | Near Gate Town Bridge Site of Grace (only at night) | 5,600 runes Ash of War: Ice Spear (Ash of War) |
Erdtree Avatar | Minor Erdtree northeast of Ruined Labyrinth in the northeast of the region | 5,800 runes Holy-shrouding cracked tear (crystal tear) Lightning-shrouding cracked tear (crystal tear) Magic-shrouding cracked tear (crystal tear) |
Erdtree Avatar | Minor Erdtree south of Revenger’s Shack in the southwest of the region | 5,800 runes Cerulean crystal tear (crystal tear) Ruptured crystal tear (crystal tear) |
Crystalian (Ring Blade) | Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel | 3,000 runes Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing (1) (key item) |
Red Wolf of Radagon | Raya Lucaria Academy (Debate Hall) | 14,000 runes Memory Stone (key item) |
Crystalians x2 | Academy Crystal Cave | 3,300 runes Crystal Release (sorcery) |
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon | Raya Lucaria Academy | 40,000 runes Great Rune of the Unborn Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen (use to get boss weapon) |
Alabaster Lord | Royal Grave Evergaol | 3,600 runes Meteorite (sorcery) |
Royal Revenant | Kingsrealm Ruins (underground) | 3,100 runes |
Royal Knight Loretta | Caria Manor | 7,500 runes Loretta’s Greatbow (sorcery) Loretta’s Slash (Ash of War) |
Bols, Carian Knight | Cuckoo’s Evergaol | 4,600 runes Greatblade Phalanx (sorcery) |
Alecto, Blade Knife Ringleader | Ringleader’s Evergaol | 88,000 runes Black Knife Tiche (ashes) |
Spirit-caller Snail | Road’s End Catacombs | 2,250 runes Glintstone Sorcerer Ashes (ashes) |
Omenkiller | Village of Albinaurics | 4,900 runes Crucible Knot Talisman (talisman) |
Glintstone Dragon Adula | Cathedral of Manus Celes | 120,000 runes Adula’s Moonblade (sorcery) Dragon Heart x3 |
Glintstone Dragon Smarag | In the lake west of Raya Lucaria Academy | 14,000 runes Dragon Heart |
Glintstone Dragon Adula | Three Sisters | N/A |
Death Rite Bird | In the ruins south of Gate Town North Site of Grace (only at night) | 7,800 runes Ancient Death Rancor (sorcery) |
Bell Bearing Hunter | Church of Vows (only at night) | 6,000 runes Meat Peddler’s Bell Bearing |
Death Bird | North of Scenic Isle (only at night) | 6,600 runes Red-feathered Branchsword (talisman) |
Black Knife Assassin | Black Knife Catacombs | 4,200 runes Assassin’s Cerulean Dagger (talisman) Black Knifeprint (key item) |
Bloodhound Knight | Lakeside Crystal Cave | 2,700 runes Cerulean Amber Medallion (talisman) |
Bell Bearing Hunter | Church of Vows (only at night) | 6,000 runes Meat Peddler’s Bell Bearing (key item) |
Cemetery Shade | Black Knife Catacombs | 3,500 runes Twinsage Sorcerer ashes (ashes) |
Godskin Noble | Divine Tower of Liurnia | 4,810 runes Godskin Noble hood (armor) Godskin Noble robe (armor) Godskin Noble bracelets (armor) Godskin Noble trousers (armor) |
Magma Wyrm Makar | Ruin-strewn Precipice | 24,000 runes Magma Wyrm’s Scalesword (weapon) Dragon Heart |
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Magma Wyrm | Gael Tunnel | 7,500 runes Dragon Heart Moonveil (weapon) |
Erdtree Avatar | Minor Erdtree northeast of the Smouldering Church in the northwest of the region | 5,800 runes Greenburst crystal tear (crystal tear) Flame-shrouding cracked tear (crystal tear) |
Mad Pumpkin Head (Hammer and Flail) | Caelem Ruins | 6,300 runes |
Erdtree Burial Watchdog (Sword) and Erdtree Burial Watchdog (Scepter) | Minor Erdtree ruins | 7,400 runes Mad Pumpkin Head ashes (ashes) |
Decaying Ekzykes | South of Caelid Highway South Site of Grace | 38,000 runes Dragon Heart |
Night’s Cavalry | On the road east of Caelid Highway South Site of Grace at night | 8,500 runes Poison Moth Flight (Ash of War) |
Commander O’Neil | In the middle of the swamp close to the Inner Aeonia Site of Grace | 12,000 runes Commander’s Standard (weapon) Unalloyed Gold Needle (key item) |
Nox Swordstress and Nox Priest | Along the road to the northeast of Caelid, close to the Sellia Crystal Tunnel | 6,400 runes Nox Flowing Sword (weapon) |
Black Blade Kindred | Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow | 88,000 runes Gargoyle’s Black Axe (weapon) Gargoyle’s Black Blades (weapon) |
Fallingstar Beast | Sellia Crystal Tunnel | 7,600 runes Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing (1) Smithing Stone (7) x5 Somber Smithing Stone (6) Gravity Stone Chunk x4 |
Starscourge Radahn | Redmane Castle | 70,000 runes Radahn’s Great Rune Remembrance of the Starscourge (use to get boss weapon) |
Death Rite Bird | On the hill east of Caelid Highway South Site of Grace (only at night) | 15,000 runes Death’s Poker (weapon) |
Frenzied Duelist | Gaol Cave | 6,700 runes Putrid Corpse ashes (ashes) |
Cleanrot Knight x2 | Abandoned Cave | 7,000 runes Gold Scarab (talisman) |
Battlemage Hugues | Sellia Evergaol | 7,800 runes Battlemage Hugues (ashes) |
Cemetery Shade | Caelid Catacombs | 6,800 runes Kindred of Rot ashes (ashes) |
Crystalians x3 | Sellia Hideaway | 7,000 runes Crystal Torrent (sorcery) |
Crucible Knight & Misbegotten Warrior | Redmane Castle | 16,000 runes Ruins Greatsword (weapon) |
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Elder Dragon Greyoll | West of Dragonbarrow West Site of Grace | 50,000 runes (boss) 3,470 runes (for each other dragon) Dragon Heart x5 |
Godskin Apostle | Divine Tower of Caelid (basement) | 94,000 runes Godskin Apostle Hood (armor) Godskin Apostle Robe (armor) Godskin Apostle Bracers (armor) Godskin Apostle Trousers (armor) |
Beastman of Farum Azula | Dragonbarrow Cave | 65,000 runes Flamedrake Talisman +2 (talisman) |
Flying Dragon Greyll | Close to Farum Greatbridge Site of Grace | 80,000 runes Dragon Heart |
Bell Bearing Hunter | Isolated Merchant | 50,000 runes Gravity Stone Peddler’s Bell Bearing |
Black Blade Kindred | Close to the Bestial Sanctum in the northeast peninsula | 88,000 runes Gargoyle’s Blackblade (weapon) Gargoyle’s Black Halberd (weapon) |
Bell Bearing Hunter | Isolated Merchant’s Shack (only at night) | 50,000 runes Gravity Stone Peddler’s Bell Bearing (key item) |
Putrid Avatar | East of Dragonbarrow Fork Site of Grace | 91,000 runes Opaline Hardtear (crystal tear) Stonebarb cracked tear (crystal tear) |
Night’s Cavalry | North of Lenne’s Rise Site of Grace (only at night) | 42,000 runes Bloodhound’s Step (ash of war) |
Putrid Tree Spirit | War-Dead Catacombs | 64,000 runes Redmane Knight Ogha Spirit ashes (ashes) Golden Seed (key item) |
Altus Plateau
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Stonedigger Troll | Old Altus Tunnel | 9,600 runes Great Club (weapon) |
Elemer of the Briar | The Shaded Castle | 24,000 runes Marais Executioner’s Sword (weapon) Briar Greatshield (shield) |
Black Knife Assassin | Sainted Hero’s Grave | 11,339 runes Black Knife (weapon) |
Godskin Apostle | Windmill Village | 14,000 runes Godskin Peeler (weapon) Scouring Black Flame (incantation) |
Tibia Mariner | Wyndham Ruins | 14,000 runes Deathroot (key item) Tibia’s Summons (sorcery) |
Necromancer Garris | Sage’s Cave | 9,000 runes Family Heads |
Erdtree Burial Watchdog | Wyndham Catacombs | 12,000 runes Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing (1) (key item) |
Tree Sentinel Duo | Outside Leyndell, Royal Capital’s western gate | 20,000 runes Hero’s Rune [1] Erdtree Greatshield (shield) |
Draconic Tree Sentinel | Capital Outskirts | 50,000 runes Dragon Greatclaw (weapon) Dragonclaw Shield (shield) |
Godefroy the Grafted | Golden Lineage Evergaol | 26,000 runes Godfrey Icon (talisman) |
Demi-Human Queen Gilika | Lux Ruins | 8,500 runes Ritual Sword talisman (talisman inside a chest) |
Black Knife Assassin | Sage’s Cave (requires Sentry Torch) | 9,000 runes Concealing Veil (talisman) |
Night’s Cavalry | Southwest of Atlus Highway Junction Site of Grace (only at night) | 10,000 runes Shared Order (ash of war) |
Sanguine Noble | Writheblood Ruins | 8,800 runes |
Wormface | Minor Erdtree northeast of Bower of Bounty Site of Grace | 10,000 runes Crimsonspill crystal tear (crystal tear) Speckled Hardtear (crystal tear) |
Crystalians x2 | Altus Tunnel | 9,000 runes Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing (2) (key item) |
Miranda the Blighted Bloom and Omenkiller | Perfumer’s Grotto | 8,400 runes Great Omenkiller Cleaver (weapon) |
Fallingstar Beast | South of Perfumer’s Grotto Site of Grace | 11,000 runes Somber Smithing Stone x5 Smithing Stone (6) x5 Gravity Stone Fan x1 Gravity Stone Chunk x1 |
Ancient Hero of Zamor | Sainted Hero’s Grave | 24,000 runes Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff (ashes) |
Mt. Gelmir
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Ancient Dragon Lansseax | East of Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace | 60,000 runes Lansseaux’s Glaive (incantation) |
Perfumer Tricia (with Misbegotten Warrior) | Unsightly Catacombs | 9,400 runes Perfumer Tricia ashes (ashes) |
Grafted Scion | At the destroyed camp at the bottom of Mt. Gelmir | 2,313 runes |
Ulcerated Tree Spirit | Roams the north of Mt. Gelmir close to Ninth Mt. Gelmir Site of Grace | 18,000 runes Leaden Hardtear (crystal tear) Cerulean Hidden tear (crystal tear) |
Full-grown Fallingstar Beast | Close to Ninth Mt. Gelmir Site of Grace | 21,000 runes Somber Smithing Stone Smithing Stone [6] x5 Fallingstar Beast Jaw (weapon) |
Kindred of the Rot | Seethewater Cave | 10,000 runes Kindred of Rot’s Exultation (talisman) |
Demi-Human Queen Maggie | Northeast of Hermit Village near Primeval Sorcerer Azur Site of Grace | 13,000 runes Memory Stone (key item) Golden Rune [1] |
Abductor Virgins | Volcano Manor | 10,000 runes Inquisitor’s Girandole (weapon) |
Omenkiller | Volcano Manor | 1,674 runes Great Omenkiller Cleaver (weapon) |
Demi-Human Queen Margot | Lowest level of Volcano Cave | 11,000 runes Jar Cannon (weapon) |
God-devouring Serpent and Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy | Mt. Gelmir | 130,000 runes Rykard’s Great Rune Remembrance of the Blasphemous (use to get boss weapon) |
Magma Wyrm | Lava pool south of Fort Laiedd | 19,000 runes Dragon Heart Magma Breath (incantation unlock for Cathedral of Dragon Communion) |
Red Wolf of the Champion | Fort Laiedd | 21,000 runes Bloodhound Knight Fioh (ashes) |
Godskin Noble | Volcano Manor | 50,000 runes Godskin Sticher (weapon) Noble Presence (incantation) |
Leyndell, Royal Capital
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Divine Bridge Golem | Leyndell, Royal Capital | 2,992 runes |
Bell Bearing Hunter | Hermit Merchant’s Shack | 20,000 runes Medicine Peddler’s Bell Bearing |
Draconic Tree Sentinel | Capital Outskirts | 50,000 runes Dragon Greatclaw (weapon) Dragonclaw Shield (shield) |
Crucible Knight Ordovis (and Crucible Knight) | Auriza Hero’s Grave | 28,000 runes Ordovis’s Greatsword (weapon) Crucible Helm (armor) Crucible Armor (armor) Crucible Gauntlets (armor) Crucible Greaves (armor) |
Fell Twins | Capital Outskirts | 29,000 runes Omenkiller Rollo (ashes) |
Morgott, the Omen King | Near Elden Throne Site of Grace | 120,000 runes Remembrance of the Omen King (use to get boss weapon) Morgott’s Great Rune |
Onyx Lord | Sealed Tunnel (required to reach Divine Tower of West Altus) | 16,000 runes Onyx Lord’s Greatsword (weapon) |
Erdtree Avatar | Patrolling the road southwest of East Capital Rampart Site of Grace | 10,062 runes Lord’s Rune |
Godfrey, First Elden Lord | Leyndell, Royal Capital | 300,000 runes Remembrance of Hoarah Loux (use to get boss weapon) |
Deathbird | East of Hermit Merchant’s Shack (only at night) | 29,000 runes Twinbird Kite Shield (shield) |
Bell Bearing Hunter | Hermit Merchant’s Shack (only at night) | 20,000 runes Medicine Peddler’s Bell Bearing (key item) |
Margit, the Fell Omen | Close to Outer Wall Battleground Site of Grace | 16,800 runes Viridian Amber Medallion (talisman) |
Grave Warden Duelist | Auriza Side Tomb | 15,000 runes Soldjars of Fortune ashes (ashes) |
Forbidden Lands
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Black Blade Kindred | Forbidden Lands | 60,000 runes Gargoyle’s Black Axe (weapon) Gargoyle’s Black Blades (weapon) |
Night’s Cavalry | Near the lift in the Forbidden Lands (only at night) | 36,000 runes Phantom Slash (ash of war) |
Consecrated Grounds
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Putrid Grave Warden Duelist | Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs | 78,000 runes Great Grave Glovewort (upgrade) Rotten Gravekeeper Cloak (armor) |
Mimic Tear | Hidden Path to the Haligtree | 50,000 runes Blackflame Monk Amon (ashes) |
Night’s Cavalry x2 | Southwest of Inner Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace (only at night) | 84,000 runes Night’s Cavalry helm (armor) Night’s Cavalry armor (armor) Night’s Cavalry gauntlets (armor) Night’s Cavalry greaves (armor) Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone (upgrade) |
Astel, Stars of Darkness | Yelough Anix tunnel | 120,000 runes Meteorite of Astel (sorcery) |
Death Rite Bird | Southeast of Apostate Derelict Site of Grace (only at night) | 220,000 runes Explosive Ghostflame (sorcery) |
Putrid Avatar | Minor Erdtree east of Ordina, Lithurgical Town Site of Grace | 160,000 runes Ruptured Crystal Tear Thorny Cracked Tear |
Great Wyrm Theodorix | Outside Cave of the Forlorn (only at night) | 180,000 runes Dragon Heart x3 |
Misbegotten Crusader | Cave of the Forlorn | 93,000 runes Golden Order Greatsword (weapon) |
Mountaintops of the Giants
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Borealis The Freezing Fog | Mountaintops of the Giants | 100,000 runes Dragon Heart |
Godskin Apostle and Godskin Noble | Spiritcaller’s Cave | 70,000 runes Godskin Swaddling Cloth (talisman) Black Flame Ritual (incantation) |
Erdtree Avatar | Near the northeast of Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace | 70,000 runes Cerulean crystal tear (crystal tear) Crimson Bubbletear (crystal tear) |
Fire Giant | Mountaintops of the Giants near the Forge of the Giants | 180,000 runes Remembrance of the Fire Giant (use to get boss weapon) |
Commander Niall | Castle Sol | 90,000 runes Veteran’s Prosthesis (weapon) |
Roundtable Knight Vyke | Lord Contender’s Evergaol | 75,000 runes Fingerprint Helm (armor) Fingerprint Armor (armor) Fingerprint Gauntlets (armor) Fingerprint Greaves (armor) Vyke’s Dragonbolt (incantation) |
Death Rite Bird | Southwest of Castle Sol Main Gate Site of Grace (only at night) | 77,000 runes Death Ritual Spear (weapon) |
Ancient Hero of Zamor | Giant-conquering Hero’s Grave | 83,000 runes Zamor Curved Sword (weapon) Zamor Mask (armor) Zamor Armor (armor) Zamor Bracelets (armor) Zamor Legwraps (armor) |
Ulcerated Tree Spirit | Giant’s Mountaintop Catacombs | 48,000 runes Golden Seed Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing [2] (key item) |
Astel, Stars of Darkness | Yelough Anix Tunnel | 120,000 runes Meteorite of Astel (sorcery) |
Miquella’s Haligtree
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree | Courtyard in a temple in Miquella’s Haligtree | 200,000 runes Loretta’s Mastery (sorcery) Loretta’s War Sickle (weapon) |
Malenia, Blade of Miquella | Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree | 480,000 runes Malenia’s Great Rune Remembrance of the Rot Goddess (use to get boss weapon) |
Siofra River
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Ancestor Spirit | Siofra River | 13,000 runes Ancestral Follower ashes (ashes) |
Mimic Tear | Nokron, Eternal City | 10,000 runes Larval Tear x2 Silver Tear Mask (armor) |
Regal Ancestor Spirit | Nokron, Eternal City | 24,000 runes Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor (use to get boss weapon) |
Dragonkin Soldier | Siofra River | 16,000 runes Dragon Halberd (weapon) |
Valiant Gargoyle and Valiant Gargoyle (Twinblade) | Siofra Aqueduct | 32,000 runes Gargoyle’s Greatsword (weapon) Gargoyle’s Twinblade (weapon) |
Mohg, Lord of Blood | Mohgwyn Palace | 420,000 runes Mohg’s Great Rune Remembrance of the Blood Lord (use to get boss weapon) |
Deeproot Depths
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Fia’s Champions | Across the Roots | 40,000 runes Fia’s Mist |
Crucible Knight Siluria | The Nameless Eternal City | 25,000 runes Siluria’s Tree (weapon) |
Lichdragon Fortissax | Across the Roots (complete Fia’s quest) | 90,000 runes Remembrance of the Lichdragon (use to get boss weapon) |
Erdtree Avatar | Near Great Waterfall Crest Site of Grace | 10,000 runes Staff of the Avatar (weapon) |
Lake of Rot
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Dragonkin Soldier | Lake of Rot | 58,000 runes Dragonscale Blade (weapon) |
Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella | Uhl Palace Ruins in Ainsel River | 12,000 runes Frozen Lightning Spear (incantation) |
Astel, Naturalborn of the Void | Grand Cloister | 80,000 runes Remembrance of the Naturalborn (use to get boss weapon) |
Crumbling Farum Azula
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Godskin Duo | Crumbling Farum Azula | 170,000 runes Smithing-stone Miner’s Bell Bearing [4] Black Flame Tornado (Ash of War) |
Maliketh of the Black Blade | Crumbling Farum Azula | 220,000 runes Remembrance of the Black Blade (use to get boss weapon) (there are other drops) |
Dragonlord Placidusax | Crumbling Farum Azula | 280,000 runes Remembrance of the Dragonlord (use to get boss weapon) |
Draconic Tree Sentinel | Crumbling Farum Azula | 28080 runes Malformed Dragon helm (armor) Malformed Dragon armor (armor) Malformed Dragon gauntlets (armor) Malformed Dragon greaves (armor) |
Leyndell, Ashen Capital
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Mohg, the Omen | Subterranean Shunning-Grounds | 100,000 runes Bloodflame Talons (incantation) |
Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-knowing | Leyndell, Ashen Capital | 35,500 runes Scepter of the All-knowing (weapon) All-knowing Helm (armor) All-knowing Armor (armor) All-knowing Gauntlets (armor) All-knowing Greaves (armor) |
Radagon of the Golden Order and Elden Beast | Leyndell, Ashen Capital | 500,000 runes Elden Remembrance |
Elden Ring bosses in order of difficulty
Here are the top five Elden Ring bosses in order of difficulty along with some vital tips on how to defeat them. There are spoilers below.
Malenia, Blade of Miquella
Who else? Melania easily takes the top spot as the most difficult Elden Ring boss of the lot – in fact, she’s a strong contender for the hardest boss in FromSoftware’s stable. We’ve even got the stats to prove it thanks to Bandai Namco, who confirmed that players have engaged her in combat a whopping 329 million times, accounting for 5.5% of all boss attempts in the expansive open-world game.
Melania is fiercely aggressive and agile, but her extreme difficulty lies in her ability to heal after every successful attack, as well as the health that she regains during the transition to her second phase. Many of her attacks are a one-shot execution, most notably her lethal Waterfowl Dance. Your best bet is to rely on your summons to take some heat, keep your distance, and take advantage of her low poise to interrupt her less deadly attacks. Of course, can you really say you’ve beaten her if you haven’t rolled credits with the Elden Ring mod that transforms every enemy into Melania installed?
Margit the Fell Omen
While he’s not the most difficult on paper, Margit the Fell Omen is the first of the main Elden Ring bosses and can really test your mettle when you’re just starting to find your feet in Limgrave. His attack patterns follow the usual tricks of the trade as far as FromSoftware is concerned, incorporating slow wind-up attacks to bait an early dodge with a flurry of attacks that barely give you room to heal.
Margit is an education for anyone who needs to brush up on stamina management since many of his attacks can break through your defenses while blocking. Instead, rely on dodging, and take advantage of an opening to go on the offensive and induce a stagger. Mastering this fight will stand you in good stead for all the other Elden Ring bosses that follow. On subsequent playthroughs, you might want to partake in a bit of jolly cooperation and help 20 Elden Ring players beat Margit, or try to defeat him using a harp as a PC controller.
Starscourge Radahn
Starscourge Radahn needs no introduction as one of the most difficult Elden Ring bosses. To call Radahn intimidating is something of an understatement. He’s enormous, and remarkably quick despite his size. You can use summons to redirect his volley of arrows during the first half of the fight, but they won’t do you much good after he launches himself into the air and comes crashing back down as a flaming meteorite.
The Elden Ring Radahn boss fight is certainly one to remember, enshrouded in a festival of madness and fury, and it scored an easy win for the PCGamesN PC Gaming Awards 2022. You don’t just have to take our word for it – it’s Miyazaki’s favorite Elden Ring boss fight, too.
Maliketh, the Black Blade
Maliketh, the Black Blade follows a long-standing tradition of FromSoftware throwing an easy boss at you, only for that boss to transform into the stuff of nightmares. You begin this encounter by facing off against the Beast Clergyman, an aggressive boss with a suspiciously straightforward moveset. He transforms into Maliketh, the Black Blade once half his health is depleted – and if you thought the Beast Clergyman was aggressive, wait until you meet Maliketh.
His eponymous blade inflicts damage over time and can trigger an AoE explosion when he plunges it into the ground. Thankfully, you can use the pillars dotted around the arena to hamper his mobility and block his projectiles, and many of his regular attacks can be avoided by rolling into him. Be sure to punish any openers he gives you, but be wary of his reach if you’re looking to put some distance between you both. Just be warned: defeating Maliketh too early could break one of the best Elden Ring quests involving Nepheli Loux.
Radagon of the Golden Order / Elden Beast
All your previous battles with Elden Ring bosses culminate in one final explosive encounter with Radagon, head of the Golden Order and wielder of the hammer that shattered the Elden Ring. Radagon is a fierce combatant in his own right, but the struggle to beat him pales in comparison to what awaits after his transformation into the Elden Beast.
This spectral deity has a gargantuan health pool and wide-ranging attacks that are easily anticipated yet difficult to dodge. It also has a nasty habit of repositioning itself as soon as you’ve got it exactly where you want it, forcing you to sprint toward its incoming attacks. To win this fight, you need oodles of stamina and a keen dodge, but be warned – if you fall to the Elden Beast, you’ll be forced to defeat Radagon before you can confront it all over again.
Main Elden Ring DLC bosses in order
Despite Shadow of the Erdtree having well over 25 bosses you can fight, the vast majority of them are optional. However, there are six you need to beat to complete the DLC.
Here are the main Elden Ring DLC bosses in order:
- Rellana, Twin Moon Knight
- Golden Hippopotamus
- Messma, the Impaler / Base Serpent Messmer
- Romina, Saint of the Bud
- Needle Knight Leda, Dryleaf Dane, and their allies
- Promised Consort Radahn
All Elden Ring DLC bosses
Here are all the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree bosses:
Gravesite Plain
Boss name | Location | Item drops |
Blackgaol Knight | Western Nameless Mausoleum | 70,000 runes, Greatsword of Solitude, Solitude armor set |
Ghostflame Dragon | Gravesite Plains, Moorth Ruins, and Cerulean Coast | 100,000 runes, Dragon Heart, Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone |
Death Knight | Fog Rift Catacombs | 110,000 runes, Death Knight’s Twin Axes, Crimson Amber Medallion +3 |
Demi-Human Swordsmaster Onze | Belurat Gaol | 80,000 runes, Demi-Human Swordsman Yosh ashes |
Ancient Dragon-Man | Dragon’s Pit | 130,000 runes, Dragon-Hunter’s Great Katana |
Divine Beast Dancing Lion | Belurat – Stagefront | 120,000 runes, Divine Beast Head, Remembrance of the Dancing Lion (use to get boss weapon) |
Rellana, Twin Moon Knight | Castle Ensis – Castle-Lord’s Chamber | 180,000 runes, Remembrance of the Twin Moon Knight (use to get boss weapon) |
Demi-Human Queen Marigga | Cerulean Coast West | 100,000 runes, Star-Lined Sword |
Putrescent Knight | Cerulean Coast – Fissure | 220,000 runes, Remembrance of Putrescene (use to get boss weapon) |
Dancer of Ranah | Southern Nameless Mausoleum | 80,000 runes, Dancing Blade of Ranah, Dancer armor set |
Chief Bloodfiend | Rivermouth Cave | 80,000 runes, Bloodfiend Hexer’s Ashes |
Red Bear | Northern Nameless Mausoleum | 80,000 runes, Red Bear’s Claw, Iron Rivet armor set |
Rakshasa | Eastern Nameless Mausoleum | 90,000 runes, Rakshasa’s Great Katana, Rakshasa armor set |
Scadu Altus
Boss name | Location | Item Drops |
Ralva, the Great Red Bear | Highroad Cross | 180,000 runes, Pelt of Ralva |
Black Knight Edreed | Fort of Reprimand | 80,000 runes, Aspects of the Crucible: Wings ash of war |
Black Knight Garrew | Fog Rift Fort | 80,000 runes, Black Steel Greatshield |
Curseblade Labirith | Bonny Gaol | 100,000 runes, Curseblade Meera |
Jori, Elder Inquisitor | Darklight Catacombs (Forsaken Graveyard) | 260,000 runes, Barbed Staff-Spear |
Midra, Lord of the Frenzied Flame | Midra’s Manse – Midra’s Library | 410,000 runes, Remembrance of the Lord of Frenzied Flame (use to get boss weapon) |
Metyr, Mother of Fingers | Finger Ruins of Miyr | 420,000 runes, Remembrance of the Mother of Fingers (use to get boss weapon) |
Count Ymir, Mother of Fingers | Cathedral of Manus Metyr | 210,000 runes, Ymir’s Bell Bearing, Maternal Staff, High Priest armor set |
Shadow Keep
Boss name | Location | Item Drops |
Golden Hippopotamus | Shadow Keep, Main Gate | 200,000 runes, Aspects of the Crucible: Thorns ash of war, Scadutree Fragments x2 |
Scadutree Avatar | Tree-Worship Sanctum | 260,000 runes, Remembrance of the Shadow Sunflower (use to get boss weapon), Miquella’s Great Rune |
Commander Gaius | Shadow Keep, Back Gate | 230,000 runes, Remembrance of the Wild Boar Rider (use to get boss weapon) |
Messmer, the Impaler / Base Serpent Messmer | Dark Chamber Entrance | 400,000 runes, Remembrance of the Impaler (use to get boss weapon), Messmer’s Kindling |
Tree Sentinel (x2) | Hinterland Bridge | 120,000 runes, Blessing of Marika (each Sentinel) |
Fallingstar Beast | Fingerstone Hill | 170,000 runes, Gravitational Missile |
Jagged Peak
Boss name | Location | Item Drops |
Jagged Peak Drake | Dragon’s Pit Terminus | 90,000 runes, Dragonscale Flesh |
Jagged Peak Drake x2 | Foot of the Jagged Peak | 120,000 runes, Dragon Heart, Dragonscale Flesh |
Death Rite Bird | Charo’s Hidden Grave | 230,000 runes, Ghostflame Call ashes |
Lamenter | Lamenter’s Gaol | 160,000 runes, Lamenter’s Mask |
Ancient Dragon Senessax | Jagged Peak | 200,000 runes, Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone |
Bayle the Dread | Jagged Peak Summit | 490,000 runes, Heart of Bayle |
Land of the Tower
Boss name | Location | Item Drops |
Rugalea the Great Red Bear | Rauh Base – Ravine North | 210,000 runes, Roar of Rugalea incantation |
Death Knight | Scorpion River Catacombs | 130,000 runes, Death Knight’s Longhaft Axe, Cerulean Amber Medallion +3 |
Divine Beast Dancing Lion | Rauh Ancient Ruins – Grand Staircase | 180,000 runes, Divine Beast Tornado incantation |
Romina, Saint of the Bud | Rauh Ancient Ruins – Church of the Bud, Main Entrance | 380,000 runes, Remembrance of the Saint of the Bud (use to get boss weapon) |
Needle Knight Leda, Dryleaf Dane, and their allies (Hornsent, Redmane Freya, or Moore) | Enir-Ilim – Cleansing Chamber Anteroom | Leda’s Sword (all NPCs, friend or foe, who participate in this fight also drop their gear) |
Promised Consort Radahn / Radahn, Consort of Miquella | Enir-Ilim – Divine Gate Front Staircase | 500,000 runes, Remembrace of a God and a Lord (use to get boss weapon) |
Those are all the Elden Ring bosses. If you’re having trouble against any of them, you might want to swing by the Elden Ring Smithing Stone upgrade locations to upgrade your gear, or look into the Elden Ring respec system to fine-tune your build. Alternatively, if you’re just starting with the RPG game, here are the Elden Ring dungeon locations so you can find some of the optional bosses and the best Elden Ring builds for fun and victory. You may also want to know how to play Elden Ring multiplayer, so you and a friend can hunt the bosses down together in co-op.