What are the best Raid Shadow Legends champions? We’ve created a comprehensive Raid tier list evaluating the top-ranking units you should be adding to your team. While the meta moves swiftly, we keep our tier lists for PVE and PVP updated regularly.
Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned Raid Shadow Legends veteran, you should check out our Raid codes list to snag some handy freebies. Now, let’s dive into our rankings of the top Raid champions for the current meta.
Raid tier list for PVP
Here is our Raid tier list featuring the best champions for PVP:
Tier | Champion |
S+ | Marichka, Galathir, Siegfrund, Krixia, Harima, Nais, Arbais, Frolni, Siphi, Taras |
S | Odin, Krisk, Lydia, Graaur, Pythionm, Baron, Mithrala, Cardiel, Marius, Androc, Lazarius,, Yumeko, Pheidi, Queen of Hearts, Valkyrie, Lady Kimi, Staltus |
A | Firrol, Seer, Graazur, Underpriest Brogni, Uugo, Whisper, R. N. Archer, Ma’Shallad, Maneater, Prince Kymar, Lyssandra, Cupidus, Vogoth, Turvold, Deacon Armstrong, Godseeker Aniri, Demytha, Ramantu Drakesblood, Riho Bonespear, Warlord |
B | Gnut, Sicia, Hurndig, Venus, Dark Kael, Armanz |
C | Teumesia, Scyl, Dracomorph, Bad-el-Kazar, Acrizia, Gnut, Teodor, Othorion |
With hundreds of units to choose from, each with strengths in specific modes, we’ve created Raid Shadow Legends tier lists for both PVP and PVE to evaluate and grade its complex character roster fairly.
And because you should only worry about meta compositions and character rankings at the upper levels of play, we’ve only included Mythical, Legendary, and Epic heroes – and only the meta ones at that.
Our Raid PVP tier list is designed to get you into Platinum tier. You won’t be doing that with a character pulled from a Chapter 2 stage clear, and blowing upgrade materials on lesser characters certainly won’t help, so it’s better to plan ahead.
From the March 2025 Classic Arena standing, we can see Mythical champions still largely rule the roost. The sheer rarity of these characters adds weight to their tier standing, which is why we see Legendary picks like Marichka and Taras right up there with them.
These two Banner Lords, of Support and HP type respectively, synergize especially well. Taras jumps in to defend a targeted Marichka, with her primary ability calling him in to deal extra damage, giving welcome flexibility to how you build and position the rest of your team.
Best Raid teams
Here are the best Raid Shadow Legends teams for PVP:
Primary champions | Secondary champions |
Marichka | Nais, Galathir, Siegfrund |
Marichka | Taras, Sephi, Harima |
Arbais | Seigfrund, Galathir, Krixia |
Marichka | Galathir, Taras, Seigfrund |
Armanz | Sephi, Galathir, |
Odin | Marichka, Sephi, Taras |
With two very different strategies proving their worth in the March 2025 Classic Arena season, there’s a lot to learn about team synergy and how a higher Team Power number never guarantees you the win. The lack of an HP unit in one of the top-performing teams further cements how the best offense can boil down to a good defense.
For examples of how to build a team with Mythical, Legendary, and Epic units, take a look at the few we’ve pieced together from across the Platinum tier in early 2025 above.
Don’t worry if your Legendary luck isn’t all that (we feel you), as you can still make a solid push for Platinum in the RSL Classic Arena with choice Epic heroes. By being slightly easier to obtain and train up, they naturally sit higher on the tier list than Legendary units with similar skill sets.
Some examples of these top-tier Epic units in PVP are Seer, Maneater, and Deacon Armstrong, who can beat out Legendary characters like Gnut, Dracomorph, and Acrizia when built correctly. You’ll also notice how characters like Teodor, who are commonly used to crush PVE content, struggle to stand out in the Arena, sitting all the way in C tier.
Raid tier list for PVE
Here is our Raid tier list featuring the best champions for PVE:
Tier | Champion |
S+ | Acrizia, Cardiel, Mithrala, Marichka, Pythion, Gnut, Riho |
S | Teodor, Krisk, Duschess Lilitu, Lydia, Siphi, Underpriest Brogni, Taras, Graazur, Androc, Marius, Othorion, Queen of Hearts, Theodosia the Disgraced, Ma’Shalled, Valkyrie, Turvold, Venus, Ukko, Geomancer, Godseeker Aniri, Tuhanarak |
A | Warlord, Yumeko, Lazarius, Firrol, R. N. Archer, Tetsuya the Deliverer, Bad-el-Kazar, Maneater, Dracomorph, Cupidus, Arbiter, Whisper, Nekhret, Harima, Vogoth, Uugo, Sicia, Teumesia, Leorius |
B | R. N. Archer, Pheidi, Kawn Branchbreaker, Baron, Seer, Prince Kymar, Lyssandra, Deacon Armstrong, Trunda, Scyl, Ramantu, Hurndig, Lady Kimi, |
C | Staltus |
Marichka still comes out on top, helping players make great strides in a swathe of PVE modes despite being one rarity grading below the apparent best.
With other high-tier PVP units like Siphi, Taras, and Androc appearing in the upper echelons once again, it’s clear that these multi-purpose units are worth seeking out, upgrading, and investing in long-term.
Note how some units who struggle in PVP combat can shine in most PVE scenarios. Teodor, Acrizia, and Gnut show their strengths here, with Epic units like Seer, Geomancer, and Maneater still putting up a great fight against rarer units.
So if you’re looking to push through Hard Mode story content or take on bosses, some Epic units are still worth powering up. Staltus need not apply.
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