New Helldivers 2 patch notes make sweeping changes to help you survive longer


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It’s an incredibly tough time for humanity in Helldivers 2 right now. The Terminids, Automatons, and Illuminate are all wreaking havoc on the galaxy, so it looks like the light of democracy could be snuffed out at any moment. Developer Arrowhead knows it, and that’s why we’ve finally got some much-needed buffs and changes across the entire game. The latest Helldivers 2 patch notes make some big improvements, and one of them means you can finally go back to emoting as you die.

Helldivers 2 update 01.002.101 is here, and it’s going to make survival much easier. You can now jog while carrying two-handed items like barrels and SEAF artillery, so you will (hopefully) get hit by significantly less shrapnel while doing the work of democracy. The FRV has also been tuned for better handling around corners, and you can deploy grenades and stratagems while leaning out the side – just be sure not to call in that 500kg bomb right in front of you.

Arrowhead has also fixed one of the co-op game’s most unfortunate bugs, meaning you can now emote while falling or ragdolling again. Keep in mind that this won’t reduce fall damage, but at least you can dive into the brunt of a Charger in style. The duration of the gas status effect from spray weapons has also been upped to ten seconds, giving it a welcome buff.

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The AX/TX-13 ‘Guard Dog’ Dog Breath backpack stratagem has also been overhauled to “increase its effectiveness.” The Helldivers 2 stratagem will now preserve ammo by only prioritizing enemies not affected by the gas status effect, and the drone will no longer roam too far from you. The targeting range has also been increased from ten to 20 meters, so you’ll no longer have to get too close to your enemies.

Whatever sidearm you take into battle will also be more effective than ever, as you’ll have even more ammunition at your disposal. Starting magazines have been increased from two to three, while your spares have gone up from four to five as well. Extra bullets can always be put to good use, so you won’t see me complaining.

If you want to check out all the fixes and balance changes now live in Helldivers 2, we’ve got the complete patch notes right here.

We’ve got everything you need to know about the latest Helldivers 2 Warbond if you’re jumping back into the democratic action. Otherwise, check out the best multiplayer games on PC today.

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